Our Services

It is common that matters requiring mediation are often a result of other underlying issues and we feel a responsibility to provide more holistic care to our clients by offering these additional supports and services. This also allows those that use our service to feel more at ease, as they can continue their process of healing with practitioners who are already aware and are understanding of their circumstances.

We offer a wide range of services in addition to mediation. JS Mediation Services will have your best interests at heart, and can provide you with a safe, confidential, culturally sensitive and neutral space to work through tough and overwhelming issues

Restorative Justice

JS Mediation Services is now the proud provider of Restorative Justice Services for both Papakura and Pukekohe District Courts.

What is Restorative Justice?

Restorative Justice [RJ] is a community-based response to crime. It is an approach to justice that aims to repair the harm done to victims and the community. The process involves bringing the victim, the offender, and their supports, including representatives from the wider community together in a facilitated dialogue. It is a process that provides a safe space for the victims to talk about how they have been impacted by the crime and what would help them heal. It is an opportunity for the offender to hear the impacts of their actions on the victims and the community and take responsibility for their crime and express genuine remorse.

It is the role of Restorative Justice practitioners to ensure that offenders understand the harm they have caused and are ready to take responsibility for their actions. In addition, Restorative Justice practitioners provide offenders with an opportunity to take accountability of their behaviour and discuss ways of reducing reoffending.

Restorative Justice is a Judge-referred process, and we are unable to take direct enquiries for Restorative Justice services.

Family Mediation, Child-centered, Auckland, Families

The reasons behind family disputes can vary greatly. Here are examples of the most common topics people discuss in family mediation but not limited to:

  • Day-to-day care of children

  • Contact with children (separated couples or extended families)

  • Emotional Wellbeing of the children

  • Communication

  • Parenting styles

  • Parental behaviour

  • Special days

  • Schooling (school holiday arrangements)

  • Holidays (overseas and local)

  • Previous Agreements

Agreement, family mediation, children, family court

Family Disputes Resolution Mediation

We facilitate discussions with separated and or separating parents, grandparents and guardians find solutions in resolving disputes about the day to day care of their children without the stress and expense of going through the Court. Our practices are child inclusive and we are committed to empowering discussions to reach the best outcomes for the children.


We offer high-quality, in-depth and confidential therapeutic services, covering a broad range of issues including grief, substance abuse, anxiety, stress, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-esteem, relationships and identity. We also offer pre-marital counselling, family and relationship counselling and Christian counselling.

We understand that taking the first step in getting help can be hard. Therefore we offer a free 30-minute online or phone consultation with our head counsellor for anyone wishing to take that first step.  


We provide a safe, confidential and professional environment for professionals to reflect upon and develop their professional practice and relationships.

ACC Counselling

JS Mediation Services is a registered ACC provider / Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC). Through ISSC, we provide support for anyone in New Zealand who has experienced sexual violence. It doesn't matter if the event happened recently or a long time ago. Reach out via our enquiry form to begin your healing journey.

Workplace Services

  • Workplace Disputes

    Accredited by Arbitrators & Mediations Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ), JS Mediation Services can provide you with specialist skills to solve workplace disputes. We will come to your workplace or provide an alternative private environment to facilitate solutions without you having to go through Employment New Zealand. A more private way of resolving inhouse disputes.

  • Employee Assistance Programme

    JS Mediation Services is a registered EAP provider for various organisations around New Zealand.

    EAP is a short-term support service that usually allocates 3 initial sessions for an employee or their immediate family member, to access talk therapy. The employee contacts the service to request support and the EAP service sets them up with a talk therapist.

  • Employee Wellness Programme

    We provide EWP (Employee Wellbeing Programme) to enhance the emotional, mental and general psychological wellbeing of all employees and includes services for immediate family members.

    The methods of therapy include:

    Face to Face, Telephone and Audio-Visual.

“I underestimated how hard it would be adjusting to working from home, but with Jess’s help, I was able to regain focus.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.